Training Information

Training Information

We do offer dog training and obedience services for an additional fee to owners of our puppies. Unfortunately we do not have the facilities to handle outside dogs as we focus on personal attention and training for each individual dog.

Most of our pups are well on their way to being housebroken by the time they join your family. You can help to continue this training by immediately taking your new puppy outside after you feed them. During the first few months while your puppy is developing, they will need to be let outside on a very frequent basis, every 3-4 hours typically and right after they eat or drink. Leaving them locked in a kennel for 8 hours while you are at work is not an acceptable way to housebreak a puppy and will cause more detriment to their development than it will a positive outcome.

We typically will not start working a pup on leash training until they are at least 3 months old and prefer them to be even older than that. This is evaluated on an individual basis. While many puppy training classes welcome puppies as young as eight weeks, the puppy does not have the attention span or developmental abilities to grasp what you are asking of them at this very young age. The result is a puppy being drug around on a leash and potential injury to its neck from such action. By waiting until the pup is older, they have a better ability to focus on what you are asking of them and a stronger desire to complete what you ask of them to gain your praise. Physically, they are larger and more developed and can work off of a leash better by this age, not to mention their longer attention spans!

If you are interested in obedience training for your new puppy please contact us for availability and rate information.